Sunday, October 14, 2007



I'm tidusin, and I will host this blog about a fantastic artist: Stuart Price. He has done a lot of work in the last years, unifying pop and dance music into one, and getting millions of people into the dance floors all around the world!

I'm also the webmaster of, a website about him, that will remain as a little data base of everything he has done and will do.

So, I have nothing more to say, just enjoy it!

1 comentarios:

Eli Ramirez. said...

hello biblioboy/tidusin!

I see you specific new blog... but is in english, .. And you know my english knowledege...:P

Congratulations for this blog! See you on thrusday! (in class)

pd. Wendsday i'll see HEROES (Chapter 2,3,4). We'll comment!

pd2. No riguis de les meves faltes! li he posat bona voluntat XD